

In Charisma you can work on a story with other writers, artists and musicians collaboratively, though there are a couple of restrictions to be aware of.

To add collaborators to your story, head to the Story Overview Page in the left-hand menu. The collaborator will need to have a Charisma Account, and you will need their Username. Your Username can be found by heading to the Stories page, clicking your avatar in the top right-hand corner and clicking Account.

Collaboration is not real-time, so we recommend checking with your collaborators that they're not making changes at the same time you are to avoid overwriting each others work.

Three types of Collaborator

  • View - View only collaborator. They will not be able to make edits to the graph or story.
  • Edit - Edit collaborators will be able to view and edit the story graph. This includes moving nodes, adding nodes, editing text, adding media, adding characters, changing episodes titles, changing scene names.
  • Manage - This will allow the collaborator control over any aspect of the story. They will be able to view and edit the story, plus be able to edit story overview settings such as story title, story description, genres. They will also be able to add collaborators, delete the story, and publish the story.