Sounds True, a leading US publisher of spiritual and wellbeing content, commissioned Charisma to create Bodie, a virtual companion for their Sounds True One app. Powered by Charisma’s AI conversation platform, Bodie is there to point users in the right direction, suggesting meditations and teachings from Sounds True One’s audio library. Calming, abstract visuals accompany the conversation, as Bodie curates content to meet a user exactly where they are at the moment. Charisma’s expertise in writing and AI means users will discover new content and conversations each time they return. Memories allow Bodie to recall past conversations, so the more a user interacts with Bodie, the more their connection grows.
Leveraging Charisma’s unique AI platform has enabled Sounds True to produce a differentiated, high value digital product for their customers. With up to 500 unique users each week since the soft-launch of Sounds True One in late 2022, and average session times over 8 minutes per visit, Bodie broadens the reach of and deepens engagement with Sounds True One content.
Charisma has been a delight and excellent partner as we brought Bodie into the world...They continually go above and beyond the call of duty and have developed an excellent platform that is extremely user-friendly, even if you’re not experienced in AI. If you’re looking to create any type of AI, Charisma is definitely the partner to have by your side.
- Sibyl Chavis, Chief Business Officer at Sounds True